Mission: To design a package for a single egg to drop safely from a drone to a customer's doorstep.
I began researching the strengths and weaknesses of an egg, to determine its strongest point. Next, I researched different kinds of packaging for eggs and other fragile objects. I observed the position of the fragile objects in their packaging and the materials used.
Based on my research, I conceptualized some packaging designs.
After critique from my professor and fellow students, I continued my research, focusing on the form of the overall package design. I was inspired by the form of a number of things, including the flu virus, suction cups, and hairbrush bristles.
Iterating on my past ideas and research, I conceptualized a new design.
I modeled and rendered my final design. Referencing material data sheets, I decided that Agilus, a flexible photopolymer material, would be ideal for the suction cups and the bristle-like cushioning inside. ABS would be best for the arms and outer shell because of its tensile strength. Because our class was tight on time, we were not able to print and test our prototypes.
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